Developing Community
With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential.
Our Mission
The mission of North Mississippi Connect Center is to provide programs and services designed to keep at risk families together through programs that ultimately lead to sustainability.
Our Vision
North Mississippi Connect Center programs and services are specifically designed to help preserve the family unit. NMSCC'S long term goals, through these programs are to prevent recidivism in families receiving social services, lower the rate of multi-parent teenage pregnancies, reduce the rate of juvenile delinquency and alcohol and drug abuse, and stop the intergenerational cycle of child abuse by teaching positive parenting behaviors.
Support Services
At North Mississippi Connect Center, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts by addressing issues that our families face. This is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.
Here at North Mississippi Connect Center we connect and provide a comprehensive range of social services designed to help families in need attain stability. Our staff works closely with each family to develop a personalized plan that helps them reach their goals and create lasting change.

Active Parenting/Co-Parenting, Youth, Crisis Education
Adult Reentry Program/Anger Management
Employment Readiness
Our priority is to work with and enable those needing assistance to achieve the best possible levels of personal and social well-being, through social development programs.